This is the last stop you have to make on your journey to living your best life. With the help of one of our amazing nutrition coaches we will guide you to nourishing your body in the proper way so that you can have more energy, deal with stress, sleep better, improve your relationships with family & friends and get to your ideal bodyweight and STAY THERE.

This is a lifestyle, not a short term transformation!

Success of Our commmunity

When it comes to nutrition coaching, community is key! Hear from our community the benefits that they have received from our nutrition program.

Why our GFS Wellness Program Works

Communication with your coach

As part of the nutrition program, you will be completing weekly or daily ONLINE check-ins of various health indicators including food eaten and energy levels. No question will go unanswered and we will hold your hand every step of the way.

Flexible Meal Planning

We provide you with a sample meal plan based on your lifestyle and preferences with little tweaks to your current plan. We then give you a food list for easy substitutions to hit your target goals or macros. We guide you with specific and individual help to create a nutrition plan and balanced diet that you can put on auto-pilot that is not only delicious but easy to implement.

Incorporating Bliss Meals

We don’t believe in a diet plan that is restrictive as the results you get from a plan like that do not stick! We teach you to incorporate weekly BLISS (we don’t like the word CHEAT) meals, dinners out and alcohol into your plan guilt free. Life is made for the living and no one should have to eat out of a tupperware container at family gatherings.

Try Our Delicious Recipes

Tried and true recipes straight from the Be Well Nutrition Program that will fuel your health and fitness goals.

Subscribe to our Youtube channel for healthy lifestyle tips & tricks!



Video Classes

We offer videos that will help you become both healthy and strong.

I feel like my reset button has been pushed because of your example and guidance over these past eight weeks and I’ve been put on a new path to a healthy body and mind. I look forward to walking along this path independently, moving forward.
— Tasha C. GFS Client